Semaj Christon (Ulm): ” Pesaro is my first home”


Intervista esclusiva ai nostri microfoni di Semaj Christon, guardia della Ratiopharm Ulm. Lo statunitense, dopo aver giocato l’anno scorso al Tofas Bursa, si è trasferito in Germania e sta avendo una grande stagione in Eurocup. Attualmente è uno dei migliori assistman della competizione e uno dei giocatori più importanti all’interno della squadra tedesca. Christon inoltre ha anche parlato dei suoi anni in Italia, che ricorda con affetto. Qui di seguito la versione originale in inglese dell’intervista e, nella pagina successiva, la traduzione italiana.


We had the opportunity to take an exclusive interview with Semaj Christon, player of Ratipharm Ulm. The american guard, after playing last year at Tofas Bursa, moved to Germany and he’s having a great season in Eurocup. Right now he’s of the best assistman in the tournament and one of the most important player for the german team. Christon spoke about his time in Italy too, which he recalls with very pleasure. Here’s what he said at our microphones!


Last year you played with Tofas Bursa in BCL and then you decided to come to Ratiopharm Ulm in the Eurocup. Did you feel at Bursa like you belonged to an higher level?

Tofas is a great organization, they were playing in the champions league as well. It was a great competition with good teams, i liked it there a lot.


This year you’re playing great in Eurocup and your minutes on the court are the highest on Ratiopharm along with Blossomgame. Do you feel like this is the best season of your career so far? What’s your relationship, on and off the court, with him?

I feel like this is one of the best seasons I’ve had but not the best. I have more to do, there are things i can get better at. The relationship with the whole team is really good – we do a lot of stuff together and hang out in our freetime.


You traveled a lot during your career, all around the world. Where did you enjoy your time the most and why?

That’s hard to say, there are a lot of places where i enjoyed to play. I liked it in Italy, Germany, Turkey and Spain.


In 2015 you played with Pesaro and you left a great memory there. What was the best part of your experience in Italy? Are you still in contact with someone from that year?

Pesaro was the best spot, where i learned about the basketball game overseas. I learned how to play the game – but that’s not the only good thing about my time there. Yeah i would say, Pesaro is my first home.


What is your goal for this season and what are the goals of the team?

My goal is to win the championship. My goal with the team is just win – simply as that.

